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IRR Show
IRR Show
2024.04.16 - Why we’re not getting loading - is it a good sign? - Chris Hattingh
IRR Show
IRR Show
2024.04.09 - Analysing the CBD medicine industry as a scam - Ivo Vegter
IRR Show
IRR Show
2024.03.26 - Why growth, as the way out of SA’s malaise, needs to be better understood - John Endres, CEO of the IRR
IRR Show
IRR Show
2024.03.19 - The real possibility of the ANC losing its majority and the range of possible permutations in our politics - Jonathan Katzellenbogen
IRR Show
IRR Show
2024.03.12 - The judge who questioned the all-whiteness of the lawyers who appeared before him - Daniël Eloff
IRR Show
IRR Show
2024.02.27 - Andrew Kenny - A case that promoted false climate alarmism and demoted free speech
IRR Show
IRR Show
2024.02.20 - Steven Gruzd, South African Institute of International Affairs - The ANC’s devotion to all things Russian, the ICJ, hostages and more
IRR Show
IRR Show
2024.02.13 - Chris Hatting & Nick Lorimer unpack the US congress bill to reassess its relationship with South Africa