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2024.07.16 - Our trade relationship with Africa and what needs to improve - Donald Mackay
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IRR Show
2024.07.02 - Unpacking possible implications of GNU behemoth on SA - John Endres
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IRR Show
2024.06.25 - David Ansara is elected to the UCT Council and explains why he stood
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IRR Show
2024.06.18 - What needs to be done for the GNU to succeed and what would make it fail - Hermann Pretorius
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IRR Show
2024.06.04 - All possible futures seem entirely plausible - the outcomes of the election - Nicholas Lorimer
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IRR Show
2024.05.21 - NHI is now the law and its still a disaster - Michael Settas
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IRR Show
2024.05.14 - What the Black Industrialists program is and why it’s not a sufficient answer to our economic problems - Donald MacKay
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IRR Show
2024.05.07 - The BHP Billiton offer to buy Anglo American & its consequences for SA - Chris Hattingh