Latest Podcasts

Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2023.08.25 - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar - Parsha Ki Tetze: Encountering the world fearlessly physically and spiritually
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2023.08.18 - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar - Parshat Shoftim: Protecting the gateways against dangerous elements - in the general and personal sense
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2023.08.11 - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar - Parshat Re’Eh: Recognizing Blessing and Curse through proper Sight and Sound. Seeing and Listening
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2023.08.04 - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar - Parshat Eikev: Developing the art listening. Recognizing the value detail and comprehension
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2023.07.28 - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar - Parshat VaEtchanan: Reconfirming our devotion to G-d through the Ten Commandments and The Shema