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Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2023.11.24 - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar - Parshat Vayetzei: Leaving one’s protected spiritual comfort zone to enter the spiritually hostile world, and transform it to a place of G-dly goodness and holiness
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2023.11.03 - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar - Parshat Vayeira: Abraham exceeds excellence and merits a unique appearance and revelation of G-d
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2023.10.20 - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar - Parshat Noach: The power of the individual to resist the negative influence of the entire world
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2023.10.13 - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar - Parshat Bereishit: Creation implies a Divine Plan and purpose in every detail of creation
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2023.09.08 - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar - Parshat Nexavim-Vayelech: When firmly rooted in true Faith, forward movement and growth is guaranteed to be successful