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Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2024.09.06 - Parshat Shoftim: The rule of law is the foundation of every society. Judges must be honest and unbiased to uphold the sanctity of Law - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2024.08.16 - Parshat Va’etchanan: No is also an answer. At times a positive answer - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2024.08.01 - Parshat Matot-Massai: Entering the physical world and recognizing the clear choices of good and evil, right and wrong; and understanding the consequences - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2024.07.26 - Parshat Pinchas: A act otherwise seen as violent in actuality is an act of peace and kindness, as attested by G-d Himself - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar
Parsha HaShavua
Parsha HaShavua
2024.07.19 - Parshat Balak: The ultimate blessing contained in the intended curses of Bilam. The eternity of the Jewish Nation - Rabbi Mendel Lipskar