My dear brothers, Purim is a time for remembrance. The key to our redemption in the Megillah of Esther was her telling Mordechai, “Go and gather together all the Jews.” Everyone had to be gathered together for prayer, for unity. This is the response to what Haman said when he told Achashverosh: “There is a certain people who are divided and dispersed.”
We are in a complex period during which tensions are high and conflicts of opinion abound. There is a large segment of the public that wants to see important rectifications made in order to create a more Jewish and democratic country. And there is another not insignificant segment of the public which is crying out its pain and anxiety.
It is true that many of us can remember past insults all too well, but we can also remember, even now, that even at a time of dispute, we are all brothers.
When the weather is stormy, mistakes are often made (and I too am not innocent of this, though I am learning and improving). Errors have also been made on a wider scale by some of our precious reservists. The IDF must remain united, free of all dispute.
Even if one group or another errs, however, we must not be dragged into speaking ill of our precious soldiers who dedicate their lives for our people and our country.
Israeli citizens, I call on you all, no matter how difficult it may be, to keep this dispute out of the IDF. Stop this issue from snowballing, right now.
Purim Same’ach, a happy Purim to all my brothers.