Evyatar families read Book of Esther at Tapuah junction

A moving reading of the Book of Esther, which is read on the holiday of Purim, took place on Monday evening at the Tapuah junction with the participation of families who reside in the outpost of Evyatar, as well as dozens of people who came from all over the country to strengthen the residents.
Families from the Golan Heights, Yad Binyamin, and Mevaseret Zion took part in the megillah reading.
The families of Evyatar have been in the area since the horrific attack in Huwara, in which brothers Hallel and Yagel Yaniv were murdered. They were initially at the site of the outpost, but relocated to the Tapuah junction after they were evacuated by security forces.
The chairman of the Nachala movement, Zvi Elimelech Sharbaf, who participated in the megillah reading said after the reading, “We all hope that, on Purim, the government will decide to reverse the policy of the previous left-wing government and allow us to return to the homes that are waiting for us, and celebrate the holiday at the yeshiva in Evyatar.”

The residents of Evyatar have called on the government to fulfill an agreement that was signed with them. The agreement stipulated that the residents would leave the outpost of their own accord and, in return, Israel would convert the site into a hesder yeshiva.

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